Does it seem like happiness continues to elude you?

Have you lost that loving feeling?

Do you desire to experience JOY in your life?

Today I’ll teach and inspire you to live life with greater JOY.

Learn the 3 Keys to a life filled with JOY…

#1 Joy comes in the morning. It’s the moment you wake up and realize that today is a new day. Now is a moment that you’ve never experienced before and YOU get to create with it in the present.

#2 Joy comes in the mourning. Grief is good. (Or whatever it is that that seems to be robbing your joy.) Feel it, but don’t feed it. You get to decide what you’re going to feed in your life. And remember, whatever you feed WILL stick around. Make sure it fuels your life and doesn’t rob the fuel of your life. JOY is that fuel.

#3 Jump for joy. Don’t wait to feel joyful before you jump. Jump (elevate yourself above your circumstances) and you will release joy into all areas of your life.

JOY is LOVE and LOVE is JOY. Love never fails, and neither will you when you receive the joy that’s in you…THE JOY THAT IS YOU!!

If you’ve been told that “You’re in your way’, remember that YOU are part of the way.

Jump Over You (J.O.Y.), don’t Jump On You.

Remember, joy IS you!!

xo Dr. Shannon